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What Is Consultative Testing

One valid reason the SSA might approve a CE doctor change is that you have reason to believe that the doctor is biased against you or your case. If the doctor has previously performed consultative exams for you that resulted in the denial of your disability claim, you could also be entitled to a switch. When you apply for SSI or SSDI benefits, your application should include as much medical information about your condition and relevant symptoms as possible. If a disability applicant lacks this information, there’s a good chance they’ll need another medical examination to give the SSA ample information to approve or deny a case lawfully. Like everything else in the software testing process, deciding to implement a test approach comes with its own set of challenges.
  • The best part is that heuristic testing exercises great adaptability and flexibility.
  • The test objective also provides that the software is user-friendly by evaluating usability and assessing performance to meet benchmarks.
  • You can opt for structure-based techniques and other detailed and rigorous testing approaches if the objective requires thorough testing.
  • As another example, at least 20 minutes should be set aside for an individual appointment for a comprehensive musculoskeletal or neurological exam.
  • You can treat the consultative exam as you would any other medical examination.
  • If you have an exam with the doctor, then bring your mental health records to the doctor for review.
Consultative exams (CEs) are not conducted by doctors who work for the Social Security Administration (SSA). (In fact, there is no such thing as an SSA doctor), although there are physicians in each DDS (Disability Determination Services) definition of consultative who assist the DDS disability examiners in their decision-making duties. All consultative examination reports will be personally reviewed and signed by the physician or psychologist who actually performed the examination.

Test Strategy vs Test Plan: Core Differences

This might be for instance, because you test payments and the payment scheme provides a set of mandatory tests for a particular type of transaction in system testing. Or, it might be because you are doing application security testing and want to leverage the industry experience baked into the OWASP Application Security Testing framework. This practice ensures adequate coverage of all requirements by the test cases and offers proof of comprehensive coverage. Testers can also identify inconsistencies or gaps and ensure perfect alignment of the test approach with project objectives. what is consultative testing However, the SSA prefers to ask your existing doctor to perform the exam. If you want your personal doctor to do the CE, you ask about that when you schedule the exam with DDS. In most cases, your exam is performed by an independent doctor, physician, or psychologist who is contracted by the SSA.

What if I don’t like the CE doctor?

It assists the whole team apart from the testing team, i.e., managers, developers, and clientele, to understand the testing specifics. A test plan guides software testers through the risk mitigation process to stop risk incidents. Along with identifying the errors, a perfect testing strategy assesses the usability and portability of the software. Test strategies follow a qualified metrics/approach to specifying software necessities such as the software’s effectiveness, output, and average time to failure.
For example, at least 30 minutes needs to be set aside for an individual appointment for a comprehensive general medical exam. As another example, at least 20 minutes should be set aside for an individual appointment for a comprehensive musculoskeletal or neurological exam. Unfortunately, the doctor who performs a consultative exam for the SSA doesn’t always support the claimant. This means the findings may not support your claim that you are unable to work. If the DDS denies your claim after a CE, you will need to lodge an appeal which will lengthen your wait to hear if your claim for disability benefits is successful. When they believe that taking part in a consultative exam (CE), many disability people who apply for SSDI or SSI make the mistake of thinking that the CE will be sufficient to qualify for social security disability benefits.

Talk to a Disability Lawyer

The Test strategy document can be sent to the complete testing team before any testing operations begin. If the test strategy document is properly created, it will result in the development of a high-quality system and the expansion of the entire testing process. A test strategy document is a well-described document that is derived from actual business requirements that guide the whole team about the software testing approach and objectives for each activity in the software testing process. what is consultative testing A consultative exam (CE) is a medical exam or test you’ll receive while applying for SSI or SSDI if your health records aren’t enough to prove your eligibility. The CE happens after you submit your disability application, though exact timing varies. You may receive a general physical exam, a psychological evaluation, or only a specific test, like an X-ray. When you file a Disability application, Disability Determination Services (DDS) is responsible for reviewing and gathering all medical evidence in connection with an applicant’s claim and rendering an initial Decision. If DDS determines that the medical evidence in the file is insufficient to make a determination, they contact the IMA Group. The IMA Group is a Government Division that is responsible for scheduling CE appointments for the Social Security Administration (SSA). what is consultative testing Bring a notebook and pen to jot down notes as the physician works with you. Make a note of what you and the doctor talk about and what exams or procedures they performed. Spend time crafting a verbal explanation of the symptoms you experience every day and their severity. Doing so can help you feel prepared to tell the doctor everything you can about your condition during the consultative exam. The medical provider will likely ask you some questions about your symptoms, and you’ll want to explain them as accurately as possible. what is consultative testing If you have submitted an application for Social Security Disability Benefits you will likely have to attend a Consultative Examination. The purpose of this exam is not to provide medical treatment; these examinations simply provide an overview of a Disability applicant’s current conditions. A Consultative Examination is scheduled if an applicant’s medical evidence is insufficient to determine whether they have a disability. These examinations can be physical or psychological and oftentimes, diagnostic tests such as X-rays, blood work, and MRIs are performed as part of the examination. After the consultative examination, you will have to wait before you receive an answer from the Disability Determination Services (DDS).

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Because it uses a single execution thread, if that thread is bogged down with a big calculation, Node.js cannot handle events, and event throughput will suffer. This is one of the simpler web servers that you can build with Node.js. The http object encapsulates the HTTP protocol, and its http.createServer method creates a whole web server, listening on the port specified in the listen method. Every request (whether a GET or POST on any URL) on that web server calls the provided function.

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Notice that VS Code displays a different colored Status Bar to indicate it is in Debug mode and the DEBUG CONSOLE is displayed. As mentioned in the introduction, VS Code ships with a debugger for Node.js applications. Let's get started by creating the simplest Node.js application, "Hello World". Our "Show Node.js" tool makes it easy to learn Node.js, it shows both the code and the result.

What does Node.js do?

Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the element has any child nodes. If the node has no parent, or if that parent is not an Element, this property returns null. If there is no such node, like if this node is the top of the tree or if doesn't participate in a tree, this property returns null. Returns a Node representing the last direct child node of the node, or null if the node has no child.

  • Returns a Node representing the last direct child node of the node, or null if the node has no child.
  • Download the Node.js source code or a pre-built installer for your platform, and start developing today.
  • You'll need to open a new terminal (command prompt) for the node and npm command-line tools to be on your PATH.
  • The Node.js platform is in a phase of rapid growth, and many see it as a compelling alternative to the traditional web application architectures using Java, PHP, Python, or Ruby on Rails.
  • It's best to not just follow the crowd because there are different crowds, and each one claims that their software platform does cool things.
  • Get insights from the experts on building and scaling technology teams.

The DOM Node interface is an abstract base class upon which many other DOM API objects are based, thus letting those object types to be used similarly and often interchangeably. All objects that implement Node functionality are based on one of its subclasses. While we won't use TypeScript in this book, its toolchain is very easy to adopt in Node.js applications. This talk about efficient software stacks isn't just for altruistic environmental purposes. This is one of those cases where being green can help your business bottom line.

ML & Data Science

We ended up with JavaScript as the principle in-browser, client-side language, rather than Java. Typically, the frontend JavaScript developers were in a different language universe than the server-side team, which was likely to be coding in PHP, Java, Ruby, or Python. At its heart, it is a standalone JavaScript engine with extensions that is suitable for general-purpose programming and that has a clear focus on application server development. Even though we're comparing Node.js to application-server platforms, it is not an application server. Instead, Node.js is a programming runtime akin to Python, Go, or Java SE.

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In this section, we've learned that as the JavaScript language changes, the Node.js platform has kept up with those changes. This is an equally silly way to calculate Fibonacci numbers, node js development but by using process.nextTick, the event loop has an opportunity to execute. It looks in the request URL for an argument, n, for which to calculate the Fibonacci number.

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Web development refers to the creating, building, and maintaining of websites. It includes aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management. It is the creation of an application that works over the internet i.e. websites. Outsourcing to a Node.js development company means that you are entrusting an external partner with your project. In any case, the partner company will use various communication, collaboration, and project management tools to keep you informed and involved. Faster execution, efficient memory management, and scalability for large applications.

You can download and keep any of your created files from the Guided Project. To do so, you can use the “File Browser” feature while you are accessing your cloud desktop. The Coursera Project Network is a select group of instructors who have demonstrated expertise in specific tools or skills through their industry experience or academic backgrounds in the topics of their projects. If you're interested in becoming a project instructor and creating Guided Projects to help millions of learners around the world, please apply today at teach.coursera.org. A background in Javascript (including variables, functions, objects, arrays, if statements), HTML, and simple styling with CSS are recommended. Node.js® is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.


In your Express code you require the driver, connect to the database, and then perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations. The example below (from the Express documentation) shows how you can find "mammal" records using MongoDB. Express apps can use any database mechanism supported by Node (Express itself doesn't define any specific additional behavior/requirements for database management).

There are many stacks to choose from; what is it about Node.js that makes it rise above the others? To get started in this walkthrough, install Node.js for your platform. You'll need to open a new terminal (command prompt) for the node and npm command-line tools to be on your PATH. Another popular approach is to access your database indirectly, via an Object Relational Mapper ("ORM").

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To run this snippet, save it as a server.js file and run node server.js in your terminal. This allows Node.js to handle thousands of concurrent connections with a single server without introducing the burden of managing thread concurrency, which could be a significant source of bugs. In a later topic we'll use the Express Application Generator, which creates a modular app skeleton that we can easily extend for creating web applications. The npm package manager was released in 2010, and native Windows support was added in 2012. In this tutorial we'll show you how to work with HTML Forms in Express, using Pug, and in particular how to write forms to create, update, and delete documents from the database. It is the portion of software that does not come in direct contact with the users.

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Node has myriad potential uses for JavaScript development including being a great environment for building efficient network applications. VS Code uses TypeScript type declaration (typings) files (for example node.d.ts) to provide metadata to VS Code about the JavaScript based frameworks you are consuming in your application. Type declaration files are written in TypeScript so they can express the data types of parameters and functions, allowing VS Code to provide a rich IntelliSense experience.


They make it easier for developers to use the most suitable tools to complete a particular task, albeit at the cost that you need to find those components yourself. Now you've created an awesome LocalLibrary website, you're going to want to install it on a public web server so that it can be accessed by library staff and members over the Internet. This article provides an overview of how you might go about finding a host to deploy your website, and what you need to do in order to get your site ready for production.

Node.js MySQL

"Single threaded" means that all requests to the server are run on the same thread (rather than being spawned off into separate processes). Our developers use frameworks like Express.js, Restify, and Swagger to simplify and expedite API development. The book starts by helping you get to grips with the concepts of building server-side web apps with Node.js. You'll learn how to develop a complete Node.js web app, with a backend database tier to help you explore several databases. You'll deploy the app to real web servers, including a cloud hosting platform built on AWS EC2 using Terraform and Docker Swarm, while integrating other tools such as Redis and NGINX. As you advance, you'll learn about unit and functional testing, along with deploying test infrastructure using Docker.

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As a result, Node.js was able to quickly adopt new JavaScript language features as they were implemented by V8 and reap performance wins for the same reason. By contrast, a Node.js programmer does implement an HTTP server, to which their application code is attached. A particularly intriguing combination is the deployment of small services on modern cloud infrastructure using tools such as Docker and Kubernetes, or function-as-a-service platforms, such as AWS Lambda.

Answered: Define DevOps and DevSecOps, and

In addition, DevOps can help to improve the quality of software by making it easier to identify and fix errors. Ultimately, DevOps is all about improving the speed, quality, and agile development devsecops efficiency of software delivery. DevOps and DevSecOps look similar in terms of automation, active monitoring, and collaborative culture but come with critical differences.

DevSecOps vs. DevOps

Recent studies show that web applications are the top attack vector in nearly 80% of incidents. The good news is DevOps processes lend themselves to integrated security practices. Here are the top six best practices for seamlessly weaving web application security into DevOps.

Learn more about DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift

Organizations today rely on complex on-premises, cloud-based, and hybrid environments to support IT operations. Adding to this complexity is the constant creation of new applications and updates. Many organizations use cloud containers and microservices to develop applications in-house. Combined, in-band and out-of-band security practices substantially reduce the risk of shipping vulnerable code—which in turn can significantly reduce an organization’s cyber risk.

DevSecOps vs. DevOps

Make sure everyone on your team understands the importance of security and knows how to integrate it into their workflows. Hold training sessions or create documentation that covers everything from code review best practices to secure coding standards. By ensuring that everyone is on the same page, you can avoid confusion and avoid potential problems down the road.

Best Practice 5: Iterate and Improve on Your Continuous and Measured Program

Instead, it begins with security in mind much earlier on throughout each project cycle – even before code has been written. Through this method, application security begins at the outset of the build process, instead of at the end of the development pipeline. With this new approach, an engineer of DevSecOps strives to ensure that apps are secure against risks before being delivered to production, and are continuously secure during app updates. DevSecOps emphasizes that developers should create code with security in mind and aims to solve the issues with security that DevOps doesn’t address. In part, DevSecOps highlights the need to invite security teams and partners at the outset of DevOps initiatives to build in information security and set a plan for security automation. It underscores the need to help developers code with security in mind, a process that involves security teams sharing visibility, feedback, and insights on known threats—like insider threats or potential malware.

  • Having a common policy sets clear expectations and rules with which applications must comply.
  • However, both approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to security.
  • DevSecOps becomes vital when working in the cloud, which requires following specific security guidelines and practices.
  • When Cody is not talking about application security, he enjoys being with his family, boating, open water/ice fishing, hiking, guitar, or working on a home improvement project.
  • Each framework provides various levels of safety and scalability—DevOps is agile, DevSecOps prioritizes security above all else and SRE focuses on performance optimization.
  • Below are the steps to implementing OWASP DevSecOps Guidelines in a basic CI/CD pipeline following the Top 10 security controls.

DevSecOps brings security to all stages of the development and delivery process, embracing automation to accelerate security tasks. HackerOne provides access to the world’s largest community of ethical hackers, who possess the broad range of skills and expertise needed to uncover high-risk vulnerabilities in software assets. A combination of continuous testing via a bug bounty or VDP plus time-bound security assessments can help any organization find and close security issues—both before and after new code is pushed to production.

Best Practice 2: Know What’s in Your Sources of Risk

Another important difference is that, while you can do DevOps without DevSecOps, you can’t really implement DevSecOps without first implementing DevOps. The reason why, is that DevOps is foundational for creating an efficient, continuous software delivery lifecycle. If you want to integrate security into all stages of the software delivery process, you first need to create a software delivery process oriented around DevOps.

DevSecOps vs. DevOps

You’ll also have to ensure that devs and testers get realistic, updated data without exposing sensitive sides of said data (such as PII). In this scenario, the importance of DevSecOps lies in bringing security higher up on the list of development priorities. Not only does it cause devs to write code with security foremost in their mind (along with quality), but it also reduces costs otherwise expended in dealing with security issues after-release or too late in the SDLC. Inferring malicious intent is a core reason for DevOps and DevSecOps not reaching their full potential. They are merely doing their job and working to keep the application secure. Development teams care about security, but they are also trying to meet the deadlines for future releases.

Axioms to Improve Your Team Communication and Collaboration

Security is involved in each phase of the software development cycle and a separate team is not allocated for the same. That only happens when security becomes the responsibility of everyone, not just a specialized team of cybersecurity experts. This integration into the pipeline requires a new organizational mindset as much as it does new tools. DevSecOps is a new concept that refers to the intersection of development and security within the DevOps framework. DevOps is a set of practices that aim to automate and improve the efficiency of software development and delivery.

All of the code, applications, and security changes are for naught if your teams and individuals do not communicate. There is one aspect of communication that is often ignored in IT, and that is intent. Security teams are often viewed as erecting roadblocks to development to achieve the fictitious “100% secure” system. Implementing an effective DevSecOps program does not have to be this way. DevSecOps evolved from DevOps, but the two practices have different goals. By making sure that your code is strong and standardized, your team will have an easier time securing it in future.


Oftentimes, security teams will sweep security vulnerabilities under the rug and patch them after a production launch to avoid product delays and to keep pipelines moving. As with DevOps, DevSecOps requires the dismantling of silos between multiple teams. In its ideal manifestation, this approach will ensure that the goals of security and compliance teams are in harmony with development and operations goals. Now, it’s not common for dev teams to resent security enforcements when you start off with DevSecOps. They might feel like it provides too much restriction from the outside or that it stands in the way of innovation.

DevSecOps vs. DevOps

DevSecOps does not replace DevOps but expands its scope and efficacy to deliver secure, higher-quality software. If feasible, why not conduct independent penetration tests of a DevSecOps solution to ensure its security, transparency, and communication (of the vendor’s support team). The process emphasizes on incorporating and embedding security at every vital nerve junction in the CI/CD cycle, rather than depending of a single suite of security tests at the end of development. Policy is a mechanism for risk and compliance objectives to be communicated effectively to development. Without it, you are unable to manage risk and compliance because there is no signal between the roles. Good communication within a team is key to keeping everyone on the right track.

SecOps vs. ITOps

They pursued their various responsibilities in isolation from each other. It's important to note that DevSecOops isn't an add-on to the traditional concept of DevOps. There's a lot more overlap between DevOps and DevSecOps than there are differences between them. Snyk, Veracode, Mend, Black Duck, and Sonatype Nexus Platform are a few notable examples of SCA tools. Mend, SonarQube, Veracode, Checkmarx, and AppScan are a few notable examples of SAST tools. Each one can contribute significantly when appropriately implemented into any organization’s workflow, depending upon its own specific needs.

Reporting and analytics from the right vendor will give you the ability to provide compliance reporting (something easily comprehensible to attest to any auditor seeking attestation for compliance). Once you have discovered and inventoried applications, you want to know what is in them by performing scans with a vulnerability scanning tool. Whether in the code you wrote in house, or in the third party libraries you may be using, you will get an initial snapshot where some potential issues may lie. The cornerstone of a successful DevOps practice is automation; this is why automating security within workflows (DevSecOps) makes so much sense. DevSecOps is lacing each step of the DevOps process and practice with security. Further, by incorporating Security into the coding process (i.e. DevSecOps), loopholes and weaknesses are exposed early on so that remediation actions can be implemented.

Team Skill Set

Additionally, it is important to have strong communication and collaboration skills in order to effectively work with any security teams or professionals within your organization. By consistently incorporating security practices into your everyday workflow, you will be able to make the transition from DevOps to DevSecOps. One of the best ways to improve efficiency in your workflow is by implementing automation tools. Automation can help with tasks like code reviews, security testing, and deployments. By taking advantage of automation, your team will be able to focus on more important tasks, like developing new features and fixing bugs. Historically, security considerations and practices were often introduced late in the development lifecycle.

Advantages Of SaaS

Security issues are another risk businesses face when using a SaaS solution. Exposure to the internet and any kind of zero-day attack using the internet pose a threat to a business’s proprietary data. IT managers need to have a detailed understanding of how business data is protected on SaaS applications to minimize the potential for unauthorized access. Salesforce.com was the first big SaaS success story, and it continues to dominate its field.
Right now in our daily life is biggest examples of SaaS are Google applications such as Gmail, sheets, documents and Slack, Asana, Trello or else. Applications often require complex customizations even before you can announce a go-live date. According to a 2017 Gartner report, sales of SaaS solutions will continue to grow at over 23 percent per year, from US$270billion in 2020 to over US$332 billion by 2021. SaaS offerings are easy to use since they already come with baked-in best practices and samples. Users can do proof-of-concepts and test the software functionality or a new release feature in advance.

Collaboration SaaS

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, organizations are constantly looking for ways to streamline their operations and increase efficiency. One solution that has gained significant popularity in recent years is SaaS-based solutions. SaaS, which stands for Software as a Service, offers businesses a range of benefits that can revolutionize the way they operate. In this article, we will explore the benefits of SaaS-based solutions and why businesses should consider adopting them. Advantages of SaaS The cloud is not one thing, but rather a term that describes a computing model consisting of many parts. Cloud-based IT service delivery is becoming the future of IT, and SaaS is part of it. The advantages are the many reasons why the what is paas SaaS business is growing day after day and why you should go SaaS. SaaS software is easier to use when compared to on-premise software for many reasons. They don’t involve coding, as they come with baked-in samples and best practices.

SaaS Advantage #10: High Level Of Security

The cost can be broken into convenient instalments rather than one large payment. Many SaaS companies offer significant discounts for up-front or annual subscriptions, lowering the overall cost. By doing so, a business will not be forced to make a large upfront payment and have time to decide if the service is for them. Affordability, accessibility, flexibility, accountability, and scalability are some of the main reasons why SaaS is important in today’s business. Advantages of SaaS If you try to sell customers something they don’t want or need, they may drop your company instead. Instead, it’s the tried-and-true software-as-a-service (SaaS) category that appears to be in the best shape to fend off a slowdown in private-market investment. The consumer is responsible for knowing the rules and regulations that apply to their industry and how that might affect or interact with the desired SaaS product. Failure to be compliant would be on the consumer’s hands if they did not do their due diligence in research. Again, though a product may sound perfect, if it does not meet the security standards required by particular industries, a consumer will bump into those limitations.

Customer Satisfaction

There’s also added assurance that business data is protected and readily available in one of the SaaS vendor’s multiple data centers. In addition, SaaS providers will have state-of-the-art cybersecurity resources with in-house IT expertise to manage them. Infrastructure hosted in a third-party service provider's datacenter is called 'public cloud' infrastructure, while similar technology hosted within an enterprise's network is called 'private cloud' infrastructure. So-called 'hybrid clouds' mix the two approaches, with certain workloads or business processes remaining in-house and others -- perhaps less mission-critical -- being outsourced to public cloud services. Public cloud services can also be brought into play on a temporary basis, to cope with peaks in demand that would otherwise overwhelm a business's private cloud infrastructure. Certain SaaS owners have some concerns about the practices used, which simply provide a promise that data protection is ingrained in the business. The application will be available for usage in a few hours after you’ve just provisioned the server for a cloud instance. As a result, installation and configuration take less time, and fewer problems may arise during software deployment. Especially for small and medium-sized firms, a SaaS business model can make goods and services more affordable and accessible, boosting consumer engagement rates and revenue levels.
  • Software as a service can be an asset to your IT department, to your broader workforce, and to your customer base.
  • And, finally, ASP solutions typically didn’t offer a way to collect and aggregate data efficiently.
  • All users will have the same version of the software and typically access it through the web browser.
  • Network problems can cause very annoying download delays, which can lead to loss of productivity.
  • Typically these free trials offer access to all of the software’s features, but limit the number of times or extent to which those features can be used; some don’t even require a credit card.
For a business, this will increase productivity and reduce employee cutbacks since it gives them the benefit of working from anywhere without being physically present in the office. As you now know, software as a service (SaaS) makes applications available through the internet. There is no need for customers to install or run programs on their devices to use SaaS solutions. SaaS software and applications integrations with other systems and platforms are easily made. This is because of their compatibility with APIs, and it allows individual users and companies to easily integrate their in-house systems with the SaaS vendor’s software using their APIs. This feature means that you don’t have to worry about setting up a huge and complex IT infrastructure. Advantages of SaaS Also, you can have more than one instance with different versions and do a smooth migration. Even for large environments, you can use SaaS offerings to test the software before buying. Using a SaaS solution can bring you plenty of additional options that will help you increase the performance of your work even more. These convenient opportunities depend on the type of SaaS solution you choose but they can include backups of your data, sorting your data by using different criteria and analytics. If you’re clear that the software is currently in testing and you want to get feedback to improve the final release version, most companies will be far more lenient with whatever happens. For sufficiently valuable clients, you can also look at this as an opportunity to provide personalized training or encourage further use of your software.
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